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Open a New Education Account
Step 1
Read the Fund’s Prospectus
The prospectus includes important information on a fund including management fees and expenses, and financial reports present aspects of a fund’s operations, financial condition and performance during the period. Read it carefully before investing.
Step 2
Complete the Application
To open an education account, complete an account application. For an UGMA/UTMA account, use the Account Application. In the Account Registration section on the first page, complete the information for Gift/Transfer to Minor.
To set up a Coverdell ESA, complete the Coverdell ESA Application.
Step 3
Mail Completed Application and Check
Mail a signed account application and check via U.S. Mail or other delivery methods.
Certain checks and other instruments are not accepted without prior approval such as:
- third party checks
- money orders
- travel checks
- starter checks
- credit card checks